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- !—\000021!!"!"U+21!!exclamation markfactorialbanghtml entitiespointgood move chessplingnotshriekball-batsmashcussboingyellwowheywhameurekaspark-spotsoldier, controlbasic latin
- ¡Alt+0161\0000a1¡¡"\u00A1"U+a1%C2%A1¡inverted exclamation markhtml entitiesbangpointsarcasm marktemherte slaqîlatin-1 supplement
- ǃ—\0001c3ǃǃ"\u01C3"U+1c3%C7%83latin letter retroflex clicklatin letter exclamation mark (1.0)khoekhoegowabnamahottentotlatin extended-b
- ⁉—\002049⁉⁉"\u2049"U+2049%E2%81%89exclamation question markinterrobangpunctuationinteresting move chessgeneral punctuation
- ❕—\002755❕❕"\u2755"U+2755%E2%9D%95white exclamation mark ornamentoutlinedpunctuationdingbats
- ❗—\002757❗❗"\u2757"U+2757%E2%9D%97heavy exclamation mark symbolobstacles on roadarib std b24punctuationred exclamation markdingbats
- ☺Alt+1\00263a☺☺"\u263A"U+263a%E2%98%BAwhite smiling facehave nice day!happyoutlinedrelaxedsmilemiscellaneous symbols
- 🆙—\01f199🆙🆙"\uD83C\uDD99"U+1f199%F0%9F%86%99squared up exclamation marknew informationupdatebuttonUP! buttonenclosed alphanumeric supplement
- 🔛—\01f51b🔛🔛"\uD83D\uDD1B"U+1f51b%F0%9F%94%9Bon exclamation mark left right arrow aboveON! arrowmiscellaneous symbols and pictographs
- 🙌—\01f64c🙌🙌"\uD83D\uDE4C"U+1f64c%F0%9F%99%8Cperson raising both hands in celebrationbanzai!gesturehooraypraiseraisedraising handswoo hooyayemoticons
* These are known as Unicode.
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