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- “\00201c““"\u201C"U+201c%E2%80%9C“left double quotation markdouble turned comma quotation mark“html entitiesdouble quoteleft quotation marksmart quotationcurly quotesalt+0147general punctuation
- "\000022"""\""U+22%22"quotation markdouble quoteapl quotehtml entitiesquote literal markdouble-glitchsnakebitedieresisdirkrabbit-earsdouble primebasic latin
- ʺ\0002baʺʺ"\u02BA"U+2ba%CA%BAmodifier letter double primespacing modifier letters
- ˝\0002dd˝˝"\u02DD"U+2dd%CB%9D˝double acute accentspacing double acutehtml entities˝spacing modifier letters
- ˮ\0002eeˮˮ"\u02EE"U+2ee%CB%AEmodifier letter double apostrophespacing modifier letters
- ˶\0002f6˶˶"\u02F6"U+2f6%CB%B6modifier letter middle double acute accentspacing modifier letters
- ײ\0005f2ײײ"\u05F2"U+5f2%D7%B2hebrew ligature yiddish double yodhebrew letter double yodtsvey yudnhebrew
- ״\0005f4״״"\u05F4"U+5f4%D7%B4hebrew punctuation gershayimhebrew
- ”\00201d””"\u201D"U+201d%E2%80%9D”right double quotation markdouble comma quotation mark”html entities”double quoteright quotation marksmart quotationcurly quotesgeneral punctuation
- ‟\00201f‟‟"\u201F"U+201f%E2%80%9Fdouble high-reversed-9 quotation markdouble reversed comma quotation markgeneral punctuation
- ″\002033″″"\u2033"U+2033%E2%80%B3″double primesecondsinches,html entitiesgeneral punctuation
- ‶\002036‶‶"\u2036"U+2036%E2%80%B6reversed double primegeneral punctuation
- "\00ff02"""\uFF02"U+ff02%EF%BC%82fullwidth quotation markhalfwidth and fullwidth forms
* These are known as Unicode.
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