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- ᧠—\0019e0᧠᧠"\u19E0"U+19e0%E1%A7%A0khmer symbol pathamasatkhmer symbols
- ᧡—\0019e1᧡᧡"\u19E1"U+19e1%E1%A7%A1khmer symbol muoy koetkhmer symbols
- ᧢—\0019e2᧢᧢"\u19E2"U+19e2%E1%A7%A2khmer symbol pii koetkhmer symbols
- ᧣—\0019e3᧣᧣"\u19E3"U+19e3%E1%A7%A3khmer symbol bei koetkhmer symbols
- ᧤—\0019e4᧤᧤"\u19E4"U+19e4%E1%A7%A4khmer symbol buon koetkhmer symbols
- ᧥—\0019e5᧥᧥"\u19E5"U+19e5%E1%A7%A5khmer symbol pram koetkhmer symbols
- ᧦—\0019e6᧦᧦"\u19E6"U+19e6%E1%A7%A6khmer symbol pram-muoy koetkhmer symbols
- ᧧—\0019e7᧧᧧"\u19E7"U+19e7%E1%A7%A7khmer symbol pram-pii koetkhmer symbols
- ᧨—\0019e8᧨᧨"\u19E8"U+19e8%E1%A7%A8khmer symbol pram-bei koetkhmer symbols
- ᧩—\0019e9᧩᧩"\u19E9"U+19e9%E1%A7%A9khmer symbol pram-buon koetkhmer symbols
- ᧪—\0019ea᧪᧪"\u19EA"U+19ea%E1%A7%AAkhmer symbol dap koetkhmer symbols
- ᧫—\0019eb᧫᧫"\u19EB"U+19eb%E1%A7%ABkhmer symbol dap-muoy koetkhmer symbols
- ᧬—\0019ec᧬᧬"\u19EC"U+19ec%E1%A7%ACkhmer symbol dap-pii koetkhmer symbols
- ᧭—\0019ed᧭᧭"\u19ED"U+19ed%E1%A7%ADkhmer symbol dap-bei koetkhmer symbols
- ᧮—\0019ee᧮᧮"\u19EE"U+19ee%E1%A7%AEkhmer symbol dap-buon koetkhmer symbols
- ᧯—\0019ef᧯᧯"\u19EF"U+19ef%E1%A7%AFkhmer symbol dap-pram koetkhmer symbols
- ᧰—\0019f0᧰᧰"\u19F0"U+19f0%E1%A7%B0khmer symbol tuteyasatkhmer symbols
- ᧱—\0019f1᧱᧱"\u19F1"U+19f1%E1%A7%B1khmer symbol muoy rockhmer symbols
- ᧲—\0019f2᧲᧲"\u19F2"U+19f2%E1%A7%B2khmer symbol pii rockhmer symbols
- ᧳—\0019f3᧳᧳"\u19F3"U+19f3%E1%A7%B3khmer symbol bei rockhmer symbols
- ᧴—\0019f4᧴᧴"\u19F4"U+19f4%E1%A7%B4khmer symbol buon rockhmer symbols
- ᧵—\0019f5᧵᧵"\u19F5"U+19f5%E1%A7%B5khmer symbol pram rockhmer symbols
- ᧶—\0019f6᧶᧶"\u19F6"U+19f6%E1%A7%B6khmer symbol pram-muoy rockhmer symbols
- ᧷—\0019f7᧷᧷"\u19F7"U+19f7%E1%A7%B7khmer symbol pram-pii rockhmer symbols
- ᧸—\0019f8᧸᧸"\u19F8"U+19f8%E1%A7%B8khmer symbol pram-bei rockhmer symbols
- ᧹—\0019f9᧹᧹"\u19F9"U+19f9%E1%A7%B9khmer symbol pram-buon rockhmer symbols
- ᧺—\0019fa᧺᧺"\u19FA"U+19fa%E1%A7%BAkhmer symbol dap rockhmer symbols
- ᧻—\0019fb᧻᧻"\u19FB"U+19fb%E1%A7%BBkhmer symbol dap-muoy rockhmer symbols
- ᧼—\0019fc᧼᧼"\u19FC"U+19fc%E1%A7%BCkhmer symbol dap-pii rockhmer symbols
- ᧽—\0019fd᧽᧽"\u19FD"U+19fd%E1%A7%BDkhmer symbol dap-bei rockhmer symbols
- ᧾—\0019fe᧾᧾"\u19FE"U+19fe%E1%A7%BEkhmer symbol dap-buon rockhmer symbols
- ᧿—\0019ff᧿᧿"\u19FF"U+19ff%E1%A7%BFkhmer symbol dap-pram rockhmer symbols
* These are known as Unicode.
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