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- ?\00003f??"?"U+3f%3F?question markhtml entitiesbad move chessqueryquizwhatmarkwildcharhuhhookbuttonhookhunchbackbasic latin
- ꫱\00aaf1꫱꫱"\uAAF1"U+aaf1%EA%AB%B1meetei mayek ahang khudamquestion markmeetei mayek extensions
- ¿\0000bf¿¿"\u00BF"U+bf%C2%BF¿inverted question markturned question markhtml entitiesalt+0191latin-1 supplement
- ;\00037e;;"\u037E"U+37e%CD%BEgreek question markerotimatikogreek and coptic
- ՞\00055e՞՞"\u055E"U+55e%D5%9Earmenian question markhartsakan nshanarmenian
- ؟\00061f؟؟"\u061F"U+61f%D8%9Farabic question markpercontation pointirony markirony pointpunctus percontativusrhetorical question markmirrored question markarabic
- ᥅\001945᥅᥅"\u1945"U+1945%E1%A5%85limbu question marklimbu
- ⁇\002047⁇⁇"\u2047"U+2047%E2%81%87double question markblunder chessgeneral punctuation
- ⁉\002049⁉⁉"\u2049"U+2049%E2%81%89exclamation question markinterrobangpunctuationinteresting move chessgeneral punctuation
- ❓\002753❓❓"\u2753"U+2753%E2%9D%93black question mark ornamentpunctuationred question markdingbats
- ❔\002754❔❔"\u2754"U+2754%E2%9D%94white question mark ornamentoutlinedpunctuationdingbats
- ⩻\002a7b⩻⩻"\u2A7B"U+2a7b%E2%A9%BB⩻less-than question mark abovehtml entitiessupplemental mathematical operators
- ⩼\002a7c⩼⩼"\u2A7C"U+2a7c%E2%A9%BC⩼greater-than question mark abovehtml entitiessupplemental mathematical operators
- ⳺\002cfa⳺⳺"\u2CFA"U+2cfa%E2%B3%BAcoptic old nubian direct question markcoptic
- ⳻\002cfb⳻⳻"\u2CFB"U+2cfb%E2%B3%BBcoptic old nubian indirect question markcoptic
- ⸮\002e2e⸮⸮"\u2E2E"U+2e2e%E2%B8%AEreversed question markpunctus percontativuspercontation pointirony markirony pointrhetorical question markmirrored question marksupplemental punctuation
- ⹔\002e54⹔⹔"\u2E54"U+2e54%E2%B9%94medieval question marksupplemental punctuation
- ꘏\00a60f꘏꘏"\uA60F"U+a60f%EA%98%8Fvai question markvai
- ꛷\00a6f7꛷꛷"\uA6F7"U+a6f7%EA%9B%B7bamum question markbamum
- ︖\00fe16︖︖"\uFE16"U+fe16%EF%B8%96presentation form for vertical question markvertical forms
- ﹖\00fe56﹖﹖"\uFE56"U+fe56%EF%B9%96small question marksmall form variants
- ?\00ff1f??"\uFF1F"U+ff1f%EF%BC%9Ffullwidth question markhalfwidth and fullwidth forms
- 𞥟\01e95f𞥟𞥟"\uD83A\uDD5F"U+1e95f%F0%9E%A5%9Fadlam initial question markadlam
- ⁉️\002049\00fe0f⁉️⁉️"\u2049\uFE0F"U+2049 U+fe0f%E2%81%89%EF%B8%8Fexclamation question markgeneral punctuation
- ⁈\002048⁈⁈"\u2048"U+2048%E2%81%88question exclamation markdubious move chessgeneral punctuation
* These are known as Unicode.
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