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- »\0000bb»»"\u00BB"U+bb%C2%BB»right-pointing double angle quotation markright pointing guillemetright guillemethtml entitiesbracketscaretschevronquotealt+0187latin-1 supplement
- ›\00203a››"\u203A"U+203a%E2%80%BA›single right-pointing angle quotation markright pointing single guillemethtml entitiesgeneral punctuation
- →\002192→→"\u2192"U+2192%E2%86%92→rightwards arrowright arrowz notation total function→html entities→→→right-pointing arrowarrows
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- 〉\00232a〉〉"\u232A"U+232a%E2%8C%AA⟩right-pointing angle bracketketmiscellaneous technical
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- ⏵\0023f5⏵⏵"\u23F5"U+23f5%E2%8F%B5black medium right-pointing triangleforwardmiscellaneous technical
- ▶\0025b6▶▶"\u25B6"U+25b6%E2%96%B6black right-pointing triangleblack right pointing trianglearrowplay buttongeometric shapes
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- ❱\002771❱❱"\u2771"U+2771%E2%9D%B1heavy right-pointing angle bracket ornamentdingbats
- ⧽\0029fd⧽⧽"\u29FD"U+29fd%E2%A7%BDright-pointing curved angle bracketmiscellaneous mathematical symbols-b
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- ⭔\002b54⭔⭔"\u2B54"U+2b54%E2%AD%94white right-pointing pentagonmiscellaneous symbols and arrows
- ⯈\002bc8⯈⯈"\u2BC8"U+2bc8%E2%AF%88black medium right-pointing triangle centredmiscellaneous symbols and arrows
- ⸖\002e16⸖⸖"\u2E16"U+2e16%E2%B8%96dotted right-pointing anglediple periestigmenesupplemental punctuation
- 𐡸\010878𐡸𐡸"\uD802\uDC78"U+10878%F0%90%A1%B8palmyrene right-pointing fleuronpalmyrene
- 🔎\01f50e🔎🔎"\uD83D\uDD0E"U+1f50e%F0%9F%94%8Eright-pointing magnifying glassget more detailsmagnifying glass tilted rightsearchtoolmiscellaneous symbols and pictographs
- 🞂\01f782🞂🞂"\uD83D\uDF82"U+1f782%F0%9F%9E%82black right-pointing isosceles right trianglegeometric shapes extended
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