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- σ\0003c3σσ"\u03C3"U+3c3%CF%83σgreek small letter sigmahtml entitiesmodernελληνικάgreek and coptic
- ∑\002211∑∑"\u2211"U+2211%E2%88%91∑n-ary summationsummation signn-ary sumationhtml entitiesmathematicssigmamathematical operators
- Σ\0003a3ΣΣ"\u03A3"U+3a3%CE%A3Σgreek capital letter sigmahtml entitiesmodernελληνικάgreek and coptic
- Ͼ\0003feϾϾ"\u03FE"U+3fe%CF%BEgreek capital dotted lunate sigma symbolsigma periestigmenongreek and coptic
- ͻ\00037bͻͻ"\u037B"U+37b%CD%BBgreek small reversed lunate sigma symbolgreek and coptic
- ͼ\00037cͼͼ"\u037C"U+37c%CD%BCgreek small dotted lunate sigma symbolgreek and coptic
- ͽ\00037dͽͽ"\u037D"U+37d%CD%BDgreek small reversed dotted lunate sigma symbolgreek and coptic
- ς\0003c2ςς"\u03C2"U+3c2%CF%82ςgreek small letter final sigmastigma ( modern greek name for this letterform)html entitiesςςελληνικάgreek and coptic
- ϲ\0003f2ϲϲ"\u03F2"U+3f2%CF%B2greek lunate sigma symbolgreek small letter lunate sigma (1.0)greek and coptic
- Ϲ\0003f9ϹϹ"\u03F9"U+3f9%CF%B9greek capital lunate sigma symbolgreek and coptic
- Ͻ\0003fdϽϽ"\u03FD"U+3fd%CF%BDgreek capital reversed lunate sigma symbolantisigmagreek and coptic
- Ͽ\0003ffϿϿ"\u03FF"U+3ff%CF%BFgreek capital reversed dotted lunate sigma symbolantisigma periestigmenongreek and coptic
- 𝚺\01d6ba𝚺𝚺"\uD835\uDEBA"U+1d6ba%F0%9D%9A%BAmathematical bold capital sigmamathematical alphanumeric symbols
- 𝛓\01d6d3𝛓𝛓"\uD835\uDED3"U+1d6d3%F0%9D%9B%93mathematical bold small final sigmamathematical alphanumeric symbols
- 𝛔\01d6d4𝛔𝛔"\uD835\uDED4"U+1d6d4%F0%9D%9B%94mathematical bold small sigmamathematical alphanumeric symbols
- 𝛴\01d6f4𝛴𝛴"\uD835\uDEF4"U+1d6f4%F0%9D%9B%B4mathematical italic capital sigmamathematical alphanumeric symbols
- 𝜍\01d70d𝜍𝜍"\uD835\uDF0D"U+1d70d%F0%9D%9C%8Dmathematical italic small final sigmamathematical alphanumeric symbols
- 𝜎\01d70e𝜎𝜎"\uD835\uDF0E"U+1d70e%F0%9D%9C%8Emathematical italic small sigmamathematical alphanumeric symbols
- 𝜮\01d72e𝜮𝜮"\uD835\uDF2E"U+1d72e%F0%9D%9C%AEmathematical bold italic capital sigmamathematical alphanumeric symbols
- 𝝇\01d747𝝇𝝇"\uD835\uDF47"U+1d747%F0%9D%9D%87mathematical bold italic small final sigmamathematical alphanumeric symbols
- 𝝈\01d748𝝈𝝈"\uD835\uDF48"U+1d748%F0%9D%9D%88mathematical bold italic small sigmamathematical alphanumeric symbols
- 𝝨\01d768𝝨𝝨"\uD835\uDF68"U+1d768%F0%9D%9D%A8mathematical sans-serif bold capital sigmamathematical alphanumeric symbols
- 𝞁\01d781𝞁𝞁"\uD835\uDF81"U+1d781%F0%9D%9E%81mathematical sans-serif bold small final sigmamathematical alphanumeric symbols
- 𝞂\01d782𝞂𝞂"\uD835\uDF82"U+1d782%F0%9D%9E%82mathematical sans-serif bold small sigmamathematical alphanumeric symbols
- 𝞢\01d7a2𝞢𝞢"\uD835\uDFA2"U+1d7a2%F0%9D%9E%A2mathematical sans-serif bold italic capital sigmamathematical alphanumeric symbols
- 𝞻\01d7bb𝞻𝞻"\uD835\uDFBB"U+1d7bb%F0%9D%9E%BBmathematical sans-serif bold italic small final sigmamathematical alphanumeric symbols
- 𝞼\01d7bc𝞼𝞼"\uD835\uDFBC"U+1d7bc%F0%9D%9E%BCmathematical sans-serif bold italic small sigmamathematical alphanumeric symbols
- Ↄ\002183ↃↃ"\u2183"U+2183%E2%86%83roman numeral reversed one hundredapostrophic cclaudian antisigmanumber forms
* These are known as Unicode.
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