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- 💬—\01f4ac💬💬"\uD83D\uDCAC"U+1f4ac%F0%9F%92%ACspeech ballooncomic book conversation bubbledialoguemessagesmstalktexttypingmiscellaneous symbols and pictographs
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- 𑗉—\0115c9𑗉𑗉"\uD805\uDDC9"U+115c9%F0%91%97%89siddham end of text marksiddham
- 𑥆—\011946𑥆𑥆"\uD806\uDD46"U+11946%F0%91%A5%86dives akuru end of text markdives akuru
- 𑿿—\011fff𑿿𑿿"\uD807\uDFFF"U+11fff%F0%91%BF%BFtamil punctuation end of texttamil supplement
- 𝔐—\01d510𝔐𝔐"\uD835\uDD10"U+1d510%F0%9D%94%90𝔐mathematical fraktur capital mnew testament majority texthtml entitiesmathematical alphanumeric symbols
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* These are known as Unicode.
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