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- ~\00007e~~"~"U+7e~tildesquiggletwiddlenot approxwiggleswung dashenyaysqigglebasic latin
- ˜\0002dc˜˜"\u02DC"U+2dc%CB%9C˜small tildespacing tilde˜html entitiesalt+0152spacing modifier letters
- ῀\001fc0῀῀"\u1FC0"U+1fc0%E1%BF%80greek perispomenigreek extended
- ∼\00223c∼∼"\u223C"U+223c%E2%88%BC∼tilde operatorvaries (proportional to)difference betweensimilar to,notcycleapl tildevaries with∼html entities∼∼mathematical operators
- ≅\002245≅≅"\u2245"U+2245%E2%89%85≅approximately equal to≅html entitiescongruenceequalityisomorphismmathematicsmathematical operators
* These are known as Unicode.
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